The Jochen Schweizer Group
The position of Jochen Schweizer Project Holding GmbH within the group
On the one hand, Jochen Schweizer Projects Holding GmbH is a management holding company for shareholdings in own or joint venture holdings and/or operating companies in the leisure and tourism industry. On the other hand it is a project development company for production sites, for whom it takes on the active shareholding management or shareholding controlling.
The business model of Jochen Schweizer Projects Holding GmbH
Jochen Schweizer Projects Holding GmbH develops and runs innovative production sites and worlds of experience. Our DNA is made up of so-called “active experience components” such as the vertical wind tunnel, the standing wave, the “Poseidon” indoor world of diving, house running, base flying, Flying Fox XXL or the Jochen Schweizer experience children’s playground. We transform this DNA into thematic worlds of experience that are accessible for everyone, which appeal to and fascinate diverse target groups and also allow safe and quick learning.
We invite both the active participants of the experience as well as the people accompanying them and interested spectators to visit our worlds of experience.
The mission of Jochen Schweizer Projects Holding GmbH
We are driven by our passion to provide extraordinary experiences which would otherwise not be possible for people. Our range of experiences in flying, falling and gliding is made possible by the secure infrastructure we have created especially for our customers.
The Jochen Schweizer hospitality idea is particularly important for us here: we welcome our customers as guests and friends and in line with our motto “This is your moment!” we create the right conditions for passionate experiences, individual success stories and long-lasting memories. In this future this will also include a suitable, diverse Jochen Schweizer catering concept.
The vision of Jochen Schweizer Projects Holding GmbH
We want to establish our worlds of experience at attractive locations in big cities and make them accessible to as many people as possible.
It is our goal to use our popular worlds of experience to strengthen the Jochen Schweizer brand and to increase awareness both nationally and internationally. The first step is to focus on the Germany-Austria-Switzerland economic zone and to later strive to make our adaptive concepts international.
The strategy of Jochen Schweizer Projects Holding GmbH
Our innovative concepts help us follow two possible ways of accessing the market:
1) Using the enclosed, solitary worlds of experience with a location-specific active component – for example: Jochen Schweizer Arena Munich
2) Using active experience components as a ready-made component of new or existing infrastructure, integrated into a trading area, a hotel destination or an area or district.